Course Hole by Hole
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HOLE #1 – PAR 4
Dog-leg left. Hazards on both sides. A shorter drive in the middle to the left gives you the best approach. The green slopes down from the right.
HOLE #2 – PAR 4
Dog-leg right with a pond short. Play toward the tree line left as a hazard is to the right. The green slopes from the back to the front. Be short to putt uphill.
HOLE #3 – PAR 4
The pond is reachable on the drive. Out of bounds far right. Down the middle is the best course here. Play a club short on the downhill second shot. A slight slope from the back and front to the middle of the green.
HOLE #4 – PAR 4
Hazard to the left and out of bounds to the right. Smart golfers tee off with an iron and keep it in play. Play one club up for the uphill approach on your second shot. The green slopes from the back to the front.
HOLE #5 – PAR 5
It takes a 250 yard tee shot to carry the pond. Play an easy iron to the center of the fairway then a 3-wood second shot. The kidney shaped green is mostly flat unless you are on the back edge, in which case it slopes away from the hole.
HOLE #6 – PAR 5
Pretty much a wide open tee shot. It takes a pretty good second shot to clear the pond, depending upon your drive. The green slopes from both sides and the back to the middle front.
HOLE #7 – PAR 3
Out of bounds to the right & hazard behind the green. Two tiers split the green from front to back. The green slopes down toward the right. Shorter is better than being long here.
HOLE #8 – PAR 4
Another wide open tee shot. The green is protected on both sides by a ring of trees. If you’re too long, be long to the left. The green slopes from the front to the back and slightly left. Do not be long on your approach to the green or you will be in a hazard.
HOLE #9 – PAR 3
Play one club light on this all downhill par 3. A creek runs in front of the green, so don’t be too short. You have hazards to the left, right, and short. The green is mostly flat – and it’s about time!
HOLE #10 – PAR 5
A shorter par 5 that is reachable in 2 for long hitters. Aim over the knoll on the left side of the fairway to roll into the middle. A slightly elevated green runs from the back to the front.
HOLE #11 – PAR 4
Out of bounds to the left. Trees block your approach from the right. A slightly elevated green has only a gentle slope from back to front.
HOLE #12 – PAR 3
Out of bounds to the left. Easier up and down if you miss to the right. The hole plays true yardage even though it appears downhill. The green is mostly flat.
HOLE #13 – PAR 4
One of the toughest par 4 holes around. Play your tee shot along the left side. It’s an all uphill approach, so club up one and avoid the sand in the front left. Take your bogie here and run!
HOLE #16 – PAR 4
Hazard to the right. It’s an uphill approach to a green that slopes from the back to the front. Play a club up to reach the green in two.
HOLE #14 – PAR 5
Everything runs right. Aim down the tree line on the left to avoid the hazard to the right. Your second, or third shot will be downhill, so don’t overshoot the green. The green slopes from the back to the front.
HOLE #17 – PAR 4
Hard dog-leg to the right. Water hazard to the right. Be in the center or left of the fairway for an approach to an elevated green. Club up to reach it in 2. Green slopes from back to front.
HOLE #15 – PAR 3
Out of bounds to the left, short, and long. It plays downhill, so take a club off. Green is mostly flat.
HOLE #18 – PAR 4
Our signature hole to an island green. The fairway dog-legs to the right, but if you aim for the close edge of #10’s fairway, you have an easier frontal approach. Hazard to your left. Shoot toward the pine trees. Don’t be short on your approach or you’ll be wet. Drop zone is 95 yds out along cart path in front of pond. The green slopes from the back to the left front.